Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Career Options for Software Test Engineers :

Career Options for Software Test Engineers : 

They can go for SCM / Security domain or towards the management roles. 

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Extreme Programming Values and Principles.

Extreme Programming Values and Principles :

The XP values are:

· Communication

· Simplicity

· Feedback

· Courage

An XP project relies on these four values. If your organisation or team doesn' t truly share these values, then an XP project will fail. Of course, most of those values are motherhood-and-apple pie – it would be hard to find an organisation that said that it didn' t believe in them.

XP tries to remove some of the vagueness from these values by describing principles that embody the values.

· Open, honest communication

· Quality work

· Rapid feedback at all levels

· Assume Simplicity

More About Extreme Programming.

More About Extreme Programming :

Extreme Programming is an agile, adaptive software develop methodology with a well-defined set of values and core practices.

· Agile : XP is consistent with the values and principles of the Agile Alliance

· Adaptive : XP' s documented practices are only a starting point – XP teams adapt the process to improve their results.

· Values: Since XP is adaptive, the details vary from one XP project to another. But the underlying values stay the same. If the values change, then the process is no longer XP.

· Core Practices : XP specifies a set of mutually-supporting practices that encourage collaboration and reduce the cost of change.

XP does not have complex rules, and it does not try to specify exactly how to respond to everypossible situation the team will encounter, instead, XP tries to be “barely sufficient”.

Dee W. Hock, founder of the Visa organisation, made these points :

· Simple, clear purpose and principles give rise to complex, intelligent behaviour.

· Complex rules and regulations give rise to simple, stupid behaviour.

XP specifies the rules – the values and the practices – and lets the team figure out the detailed

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP) :

Extreme Programming, or XP to most aficionados, was developed by Kent Beck, Ward Cunningham, and Ron Jeffries. XP preaches the values of community, simplicity, feedback and courage.

Important aspects of XP are its contribution to altering the view of the cost of change and its emphasis on technical excellence through refactoring and test-first development. XP provides a system of dynamic practices, whose integrity as a holistic unit has been proven. XP has clearly garnered the most interest of any of the Agile approaches.